Applying for earnings-related daily allowance
Register as an unemployed jobseeker in the E-services section of Job Market Finland

Register as an unemployed jobseeker
Read moreSend first application and attachments to the unemployment fund

Apply for unemployment allowance from Pro
Read moreRegister as an unemployed jobseeker
Register as an unemployed jobseeker in the E-services section of Job Market Finland on the first day of your unemployment or lay-off at the latest. The unemployment fund receives an electronic statement from the employment officials regarding your registration as a job seeker. You can also see the statement in the electronic service as soon as it has arrived at the fund. Earnings-related daily allowance can only be paid, and a waiting period applied for periods during which your job search is active. When registering as a job seeker, state, if you are a student (even if you are enrolled in an educational institution) or have business activities or an ownership stake in a company.
It is advisable to activate your job search as soon as your employment terminates, even if you receive a support package from your employer. You may lose your right to earnings-related daily allowance if you have been absent from the labour market for more than six months without an acceptable reason. Your right to earnings-related daily allowance will not be restored until after you have fully met the 12-month working condition again.
If you are applying for transition security allowance, register as a job seeker within 60 days of termination.
Submit your initial application and attachments to the unemployment fund
Apply for earnings-related daily allowance from the unemployment fund. You can submit your initial application for earnings-related daily allowance and attachments to the unemployment fund after two weeks of unemployment or lay-off. Submit your application and attachments is via Unemployment Fund Pro’s electronic services. If you are not able to use electronic services, please contact the Unemployment Fund Pro. Please note that earnings-related daily allowance cannot be applied for in advance. However, you must apply for the allowance within three months of the date from which you want the allowance to be paid.
Please fill in the application carefully section by section. Submit your application on time, even if the employment officials have not yet provided a labour policy statement or even if you do not have all the necessary attachments available at the time when the application must be sent to the unemployment fund. You can supplement your application retrospectively.
The unemployment fund receives income information from the Incomes Register
The earnings-related allowance is calculated based on the salary information obtained from the Incomes Register, but the information is not always sufficient. In such cases, we request additional information to supplement the salary information in the Incomes Register, or we may ask for pay slips or a salary certificate. You should also check yourself before submitting the application to ensure that your information in the Incomes Register is correct. If there are deficiencies, ask your employer to correct the information.
Attachments to be submitted with an application:
Notice of termination, if your employer has terminated your employment contract
Agreement on the termination of employment, if one has been signed
Employment contract, if you are starting part-time employment
Notice of lay-off, if you have been laid off. The unemployment fund accepts a notice sent by e-mail and not signed “with a pen”.
Personal tax decision and specifications, if you have business activities, such as agricultural or forestry activities or other business activities.
Decision on social benefits, such as partial disability pension (see application form for information on which decisions are required)
Revised tax card
The unemployment fund receives tax information directly from the Tax Administration. The withholding tax rate of a tax card intended for the taxation of wages is at least 25 percent, according to a decision by the Tax Administration, even if the rate is lower in the tax card. You can order a revised tax card for the taxation of benefits directly from the e-Services of the Tax Administration by selecting Unemployment Fund Pro as the recipient of the tax information. The withholding tax of a revised tax card issued for the taxation of benefits is withheld in accordance with the revised tax card without an increase.
How to submit your initial application
Applications are processed in the order of arrival. You can view the progress of your application via our electronic services. You can view the unemployment fund’s general processing situation here.
If an application does not contain the information necessary for issuing a decision, the unemployment fund will request the missing information from you, your payroll clerk or another authority. If the application period is not long enough for issuing a decision you will be requested to submit a follow-up application.
Decisions are sent in writing
Once your application has been processed, the unemployment fund issues a written decision. The decision can be viewed via the unemployment fund’s electronic services or it will be sent to your home address by post (or to NetPosti if you have selected this mode of delivery). If you are dissatisfied with the decision, you may appeal against it. Appeal instructions will be attached to the decision.
In addition to the decision, you will also get a payment notification which you can choose to receive by SMS, post or via our electronic services. Please make sure that the unemployment fund has your up-to-date contact information. Also note that benefits paid by the unemployment fund (earnings-related daily allowanceion and mobility allowance) are not always available on your bank account on the morning of the payment date. This is because of the single euro payment area (SEPA). However, benefits will be deposited to your account on the payment date.
Submit a follow-up application
If you are fully unemployed, submit your next application, i.e. a follow-up application, for either four calendar weeks (Monday to Sunday) or a full calendar month as soon as the period has ended. Submit the application even if the unemployment fund has not yet issued a decision on your initial application to avoid expiry of your application. Earnings-related daily allowance is always applied for retrospectively, but it is never paid for a period of more than 3 months prior. Your application must reach the unemployment fund within three months of the first date for which you are applying for earnings-related daily allowance. Submit your follow-up application is via Unemployment Fund Pro’s electronic services. If you submit a follow-up application for four calendar weeks electronically by 7 pm on Sunday your benefits will be paid on Tuesday, if nothing prevents payment. .
I have been laid off and I want to submit a follow-up application
I have workdays during my application period, and I want to submit a follow-up application
End of unemployment
When your unemployment ends, you can submit an application for a period shorter than four weeks.