The maximum period of earnings-related daily allowance varies
Earnings-related daily allowance is primarily paid for 400 days of unemployment. Earnings-related daily allowance is paid for 400 days if you have been working for more than three years for the same employer or different employers. If you have worked for no more than three years, earnings-related daily allowance is paid for 300 days. Earnings-related daily allowance is paid for a maximum of 500 days if you are at least 58 years old when you meet the working condition and have been employed at least five years in the 20 years prior to meeting the working condition.
If you reach the maximum period for the payment of earnings-related daily allowance and you transfer to Kela’s labour market subsidy, your right to earnings-related daily allowance will be restored once you meet the working condition again.
What does the unemployment path to retirement mean?
Payment of earnings-related daily allowance may be extended beyond the maximum period once you reach a certain age. The days by which the payment of earnings-related daily allowance is extend beyond the maximum period are called additional days. The right to additional days is being phased out, but the right to additional days is still as follows:
If you were born between 1961 and 1962 you may be entitled to additional days if you turned 62 years of age before reaching the maximum daily allowance payment period.
If you were born in 1963 you may be entitled to additional days if you turned 63 years of age before reaching the maximum daily allowance payment period.
If you were born in 1964 you may be entitled to additional days if you turned 64 years of age before reaching the maximum daily allowance payment period.
Additionally, you must have had pension-insured work for at least five years in the last 20 years counted backwards from the maximum period to receive additional days. We can pay earnings-related unemployment allowance until the age of 65.
If you were born in 1965 or after, you are not entitled to additional days.
Applying for old-age pension
You can apply for old-age pension using the online services of your employment pension institution. If you are not certain who your pension provider is, you can find out by visiting the website Työelä Contact your pension provider if you have any questions regarding matters such as your pension record, future pension or applying for pension.