Applying for daily allowance when working part-time

If you start part-time employment, register as a jobseeker, if you haven.t already done so. Apply for the daily allowance in accordance with the pay period and report the workdays in the application. The pay period can be a calendar month, a month, or four calendar weeks.

If your wages are paid for a calendar month your application should cover a calendar month. Report your actual working hours and workdays in your application. Send your employment contract with your application if a contract has been made in writing.

Wages affect the daily allowance of the month on which they are paid (with the exception of lay-offs). For example, if you start part-time employment in May and your wages are paid in June, you should send an application for May, report your working hours in the application and attach your employment contract to the application. When applying for daily allowance for June you should report the hours you have worked in June. Wages paid in June are taken into consideration when determining the amount of adjusted daily allowance for June, even though the wages are paid for work performed in May.

If you perform occasional work, you can continue to apply for earnings-related daily allowance using the same schedule as before. It does not matter if a working period falls in the middle of an application period because adjusted daily allowance is paid for the duration of the entire application period (4 weeks/month). If your occasional work continues for a longer period, you must change your application period to align with your wage payment period, so that your income can be taken into consideration on a regular basis.

Submit your application and attachments via Unemployment Fund Pro’s electronic services.

Please remember to pay your membership fee from earned income subject to withholding tax.

Resetting the maximum period and rate of earnings-related daily allowance after the reset

The employment condition normally accumulates even during periods of adjusted daily allowance if the salary threshold for accumulating the employment condition is exceeded. The employment condition accumulates for those calendar months in which taxable salary of at least 930 euros is paid. If the salary is at least 465 euros but less than 930 euros, half a month of the employment condition accumulates.

Also note that if the maximum period for the daily allowance is reached before you have fully met the 12-month employment condition, the new level of the earnings-related allowance will be calculated based on these 12 months of income, meaning there is no 80 percent protection for the allowance (= the earnings-related allowance would be at least 80 percent of the previous earnings-related allowance). This can cause a significant reduction in the level of the earnings-related allowance if the previous level was calculated based on full-time work and you have accumulated the new employment condition from part-time work. However, if the 12-month employment condition is met before the maximum period for the daily allowance (300-500 days) is reached, the new full earnings-related allowance will be at least 80 percent of the previous level. This is explained in more detail in the section on recalculating the allowance.

The 80-percent protection referred to above only applies to full earnings-related daily allowance. After meeting the working condition, the new rate of adjusted daily allowance might not be 80 percent of the previous rate that you received before the recalculation of the rate of earnings-related daily allowance. This is due to the upper limit applied to adjusted daily allowance, which is explained in more detail in the section Effects of income on earnings-related daily allowance.