Other employment promoting services

Earnings-related daily allowance is paid for the duration of employment promoting services. Self-motivated study and labour market training are employment promoting services and information about them has been provided separately. In addition, employment promoting services also include:

  • work experience placement (in a workplace or an educational institution)
  • job search training
  • career counselling
  • rehabilitative work activity as referred to in the Act on Rehabilitative Work  
  • self-motivated studies as referred to in sections 22 – 24 of the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration 

Earnings-related daily allowance paid for the duration of employment promoting services accumulates days towards the maximum payment period of as normal. Earnings-related daily allowance is only paid for the days on which you participate in the services. Earnings-related daily allowance is paid increased with the earnings-related part for the duration of the services if the services have been agreed on in your employment plan or a substitute plan. Increased earnings-related daily allowance can be paid for up to 200 days. Please note that the increased part of the earnings-related allowance was removed from the law starting from the beginning of 2025. The increased earnings-related allowance can still be paid for the duration of employment promoting services if the service has started no later than 31.12.2024. In this case, the increased earnings-related allowance can be paid until the end of the service, but for a maximum of 200 days.

Instead, the payment of the tax-free reimbursement of expenses continues. It is possible to receive tax-free reimbursement of expenses for the days on which you participate in the services, with the exception of self-motivated study. You must be registered as a jobseeker and look for full-time employment while participating in the services. 

Unemployment allowance can be paid for days of absence if the absence is caused by:

  • Illness
  • Illness of a child under 10 years of age (up to four days)
  • Job interview or similar employment-related reason
  • Attending to a position of trust

You must notify the unemployment fund of any absences from the service when applying for earnings-related daily allowance. You must also provide a reason for your absence.

If you fall ill and cannot participate in the services, earnings-related allowance is paid for days of absence without the need for a medical certificate if the illness lasts no more than three days. If your absence due to an illness lasts longer than three days, please send the unemployment fund a copy of a medical certificate. If a medical certificate is not submitted to the unemployment fund, the payment of earnings-related daily allowance must be stopped starting from the fourth day of absence. If your sick leave lasts for a long period you must apply for sickness allowance from Kela, because the unemployment fund can only pay earnings-related daily allowance for the duration of the waiting period for sick leave granted by Kela.

If you are absent from services due to the illness of a child under the age of 10, you will only need to report to the unemployment fund that your child is ill. In such case, the unemployment fund will pay you earnings-related daily allowance for four days of absence. If your child’s illness lasts longer, the payment of earnings-related daily allowance can be stopped starting from the fifth day of absence.

Contact the employment official for further information on the services. The employment official will provide the unemployment fund with a statement on your participation in employment promoting services. You can apply for earnings-related daily allowance for the duration of the service in the same manner as when applying for earnings-related daily allowance during unemployment. But please report in the application which days you participated in the service.