The unemployment fund Pro - in brief

Pro is an employees’ fund with the purpose of providing its members with benefits prescribed by the unemployment security law and other laws. To its members the unemployment fund pays earnings-related unemployment benefits (ansiopäiväraha) for periods of unemployment and services promoting employment as well as mobility allowance (covers expenses caused by travelling to work or moving).  

In order to be granted these benefits, a member has to meet the conditions specified in various laws and in the regulations of the unemployment fund. Some of these conditions are: the insurance conditions, the employment condition and the condition of paying the membership fees. See more detailed info here.

The operations of the unemployment fund are regulated not only by its own regulations, but also by the unemployment security law, the law of unemployment funds and other laws and decrees.

In order to become a member of the unemployment fund Pro, one has to be an employee within the scope of application of the unemployment security law who is less than 68 years of age and who works as an employee. Persons between 65 and 67 years of age may be entitled to daily unemployment allowance only in certain situations. 

A person whose living is to be considered to be based on income earned by working for another person is regarded as an employee. A self-employed person cannot become a member of the unemployment fund Pro.  

The membership of the unemployment fund begins on the day of receipt of the application for membership, at the earliest, however, as from the day on which the applicant has paid his first membership fee. A member of the unemployment fund is not allowed to be a member of another unemployment fund at the same time.

The operations of the unemployment fund including the membership fee are supervised by The Financial Supervisory Authority. In 2025, the membership fee is 8,00 euros of the monthly income. The amount of the membership fee is primarily dependent on the unemployment rate of the members. The members of the trade union Pro and the unemployment fund pay 1.25 % of their taxable income, however, not more than 49 euros. The free members of the trade union who are employed pay a membership fee of 8,00 euros a month.

The membership fee is either paid with membership fee references or the employer deducts the membership fee directly from the salary. If the latter is the case, a deduction agreement has to be made. The agreement form has to include the employer and employee details for the register. One who is only a member always pays himself. The membership fee has to be paid within three months from the period it concerns.

The unemployment fund Pro – address and contact details

Työttömyyskassa Pro

Työpajankatu 13 A, PL 1 00581 Helsinki

Tel. 09 17273 444

Electronic services

The unemployment fund deals with personal questions concerning benefits by phone, letter or Electronic services.

As email is not a secure communications medium, the unemployment fund will only deal with general – not personal or confidential – issues by email.

Complaints directed to the Unemployment Appeal Board or the Insurance Court can be sent by the Electronic services or by letter.