Ammattiliitto Pro
På Svenska
The unemployment fund Pro
All of daily allowance
Applying for earnings-related daily allowance
Earnings-related daily allowance
To receive earnings-related daily allowance, you must meet the working condition
Calculating the rate of earnings-related daily allowance
The maximum period of earnings-related daily allowance varies
Recalculation of earnings-related daily allowance and “resetting” of days
Obstacles to granting earnings-related daily allowance
Sickness or pension may affect your earnings-related daily allowance
Employment and income
Prerequisites for receiving earnings-related daily allowance while working and being paid
Effects of income on earnings-related daily allowance
Applying for daily allowance when working part-time
Different forms of lay-off
Register as a jobseeker at the start of your lay-off
Frequently asked questions of lay-offs
Age and earnings-related daily allowance
Studying and daily allowance
Labour market training
Other employment promoting services
Self-motivated study
Full-time, part-time or short-term studies
Alternation leave
General information about alternation leave
Applying for job alternation compensation
Mobility allowance for commuting
Transition security allowance
Membership of the unemployment fund
Joining the unemployment fund
Electronic services instructions
Guide to unemployment fund benefits
Frequently asked questions
Changes to the Unemployment Security Act 2024
Cooperation between authorities
Contact information
Unemployment security vocabulary
The unemployment fund Pro
All of daily allowance
Applying for earnings-related daily allowance
Earnings-related daily allowance
To receive earnings-related daily allowance, you must meet the working condition
Calculating the rate of earnings-related daily allowance
The maximum period of earnings-related daily allowance varies
Recalculation of earnings-related daily allowance and “resetting” of days
Obstacles to granting earnings-related daily allowance
Sickness or pension may affect your earnings-related daily allowance
Employment and income
Prerequisites for receiving earnings-related daily allowance while working and being paid
Effects of income on earnings-related daily allowance
Applying for daily allowance when working part-time
Different forms of lay-off
Register as a jobseeker at the start of your lay-off
Frequently asked questions of lay-offs
Age and earnings-related daily allowance
Studying and daily allowance
Labour market training
Other employment promoting services
Self-motivated study
Full-time, part-time or short-term studies
Alternation leave
General information about alternation leave
Applying for job alternation compensation
Mobility allowance for commuting
Transition security allowance
Membership of the unemployment fund
Joining the unemployment fund
Electronic services instructions
Guide to unemployment fund benefits
Frequently asked questions
Changes to the Unemployment Security Act 2024
Cooperation between authorities
Contact information
Unemployment security vocabulary
In English
På Svenska
Electronic services instructions
Guide to unemployment fund benefits
Frequently asked questions
Changes to the Unemployment Security Act 2024
Cooperation between authorities
Contact information
Unemployment security vocabulary
The unemployment fund Pro
Guide to unemployment fund benefits
Guide to unemployment fund benefits
Guide to unemployment fund benefits